Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Plankton Observations

 This GIANT creature is actually a tiny microscopic worm.  You can see the veins and that it has a furry shoulder.  The  worm is a zooplankton and is micro. The worm has antennas to feel whats around them.

 Now this worm has algae around it.  This worm is microscopic like the other one and doesn't have antennas. If you just look at the face of the worm it kinda looks like Pooh Bear. :)

This zooplankton has body segments.  All three of the pictures of worms are holoplankton and they don't change the shape or form of there body.  The little specs are algae and little plankton
This star sand looks as though its red or light pink but in the picture online is an off white color.  The sand has black dots on them and is shaped like a star.  Most of the stars have five points but others has four.

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