Monday, February 28, 2011

Food Observations

These Orange cream bars are amazing!! Just because they have Carrageenans in them doesn't mean I'm going to stop eating them. I was eating a delicious orange cream bar while doing this blog, orangeyy goodness!!!!

This delicious chicken noodle soup has Beta Carotene in it. This is not a good picture but i promise you this is Chicken Noodle Soup :) 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Plankton Wars :) Argh!!!!!

Captain Puffer Plankton is made up of clay, sponges, cupcake holders and other small devices. The long blue string is suppose to be the flagella.

As soon as we put it in the water it floated. Tyler and I thought we had enough weight so it would sink a little bit but floated the whole time. It was very depressing that it didnt go under the water because Tyler and I had so much faith in Captain Puffer Plankton and it feels as though are hopes were crushed.

 Tyler and I are making pirate faces because our plankton is Captain of the planktons :)
(picture by: Mrs. Richardson)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Obersvation Day 5

On the day we went outside and found these pictures it was sunny and windy.  One of the best days so far :)

This tree has been down for about two years.  Its roots are showing and starting to mold.   Its covered in leaves and random branches.

 The white stuff you see here is Lichen, a type of moss. The tree is falling to pieces and starting to decay.  Everytime someone was to step on it there was pieces just constantly falling to the ground.

This Warbler is sitting high in the branches. The Warblor is looking out into the distance possibly trying to see what was ahead.  It was really hard to make Warblor out in the woods but if you looked close enough you could see the Warblor. (Picture by Mrs. Richardson)

We decided to pick up the other branch and little to our surprise we found a slimy Salamander.  This little creature crawling through all the dirt and mud under the tree. As soon as I saw this Salamander I freaked out and wanted to get away from it as soon as possible. (Picture by Mrs. Richardson)

Algae Observations Day 4

I took this picture of the water the same day we went outside to bird watch. That was one of the warmest days we went outside but the wind was blowing. You could hear the wind and the sound of leaves rustling around. This is the shallow part of the pond and there are leaves and twigs in the water. You could see some traces of algae.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Plankton Observations

 This GIANT creature is actually a tiny microscopic worm.  You can see the veins and that it has a furry shoulder.  The  worm is a zooplankton and is micro. The worm has antennas to feel whats around them.

 Now this worm has algae around it.  This worm is microscopic like the other one and doesn't have antennas. If you just look at the face of the worm it kinda looks like Pooh Bear. :)

This zooplankton has body segments.  All three of the pictures of worms are holoplankton and they don't change the shape or form of there body.  The little specs are algae and little plankton
This star sand looks as though its red or light pink but in the picture online is an off white color.  The sand has black dots on them and is shaped like a star.  Most of the stars have five points but others has four.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Observation Day 3 :)

Even though the sun is shinning I could not feel it.  The wind was blowing and I couldn't feel my legs.  I could hear the chatter of the other students and the wind whistling in my ears.  The clouds were spread across the sky so evenly as though they were painted there.
Here is a drainage pipe that is pouring little but enough water to make a little creek. You could hear the water slashing up agianst the rock and branches.  "I could feel the hate because many people have littered and destroyed the area." (By: BenHart)

Here is the dead cattails and the pond.  The pond from the way the picture was taken, looks glossy.  The wind was blowing and making the pond ripple.  As I was taken this picture i felt as though I was going to fall into the pond because I was really close to the edge.  I didn't hear anything but the rustling of the students.

Well this is obviously a "Sign of Life" :)

Now at the last site we were up near the building looking at the different trees.  This tree has what looks to be fungus of some sort.  Everyone was gathering around the trees and stepping on the brown mulch.  I only heard people talking and feel the coldness.